Susan establishes new security career with help from MatchWorks
Business Risks International Pty Limited (BRI Training) is assisting MatchWorks job seekers with training and employment opportunities.
The specialist corporate risk management and security services organisation is also a Registered Training Organisation. They assist MatchWorks clients to complete a Certificate II and III in Security to obtain their licence, and then find suitable employment soon after.
The relationship has seen 12 MatchWorks job seekers with a disability employed since 2015, with further interviews and enrolments in progress.
MatchWorks client Susan (pictured) has been employed with BRI Security for more than a year after facing long term unemployment and experiencing anxiety and depression. She has also received a BRI Training scholarship to complete her Certificate III.
BRI Security Business Development Manager Denis Jessop said it’s a great result to place MatchWorks job seekers in employment following support and training.
“Susan is just one job seeker we have worked with to complete her security qualifications, which followed on to employment. Susan was the only female in the class and never thought it was something she would do. Now she loves working in corporate security,” Denis said.
“Boyce Nikora from MatchWorks Flemington is also great. He understands what we need and is always willing to help.”