
We would love to hear your feedback about how things could improve.

MatchWorks welcomes constructive feedback which can be given to one of MatchWorks staff in person, or if you would like to remain anonymous you can provide us with suggestions through the “Suggestion Box” located in Reception at your local MatchWorks office.

Use our feedback form below to put your feedback in writing.

Your feedback is important to us

MatchWorks is committed to providing the best services possible to job seekers, employers and the community. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to submit a compliment, complaint or suggestion.

This allows us to continuously improve our services to you. MatchWorks will listen to you carefully and if there is an issue, we will do our best to resolve the concern quickly.

You may lodge a complaint, compliment or suggestion by contacting your local MatchWorks site, please see a full list of our sites on the Locations page. Alternatively you can contact our Support Hub on (03) 5249 8900.

If a complaint is received, a staff member will work to resolve the problem in a prompt and respectful manner.