Snowmax Civil gives ESG job seekers an opportunity
Snowmax Civil developed a relationship with Employment Services Group in the ACT to assist with the recruitment of staff and required training.

Pictured: Snowmax Civil owner John Dennehy (right) with ESG job seekers Ryan (left) and Chiaranay (middle).
Snowmax Civil owner John Dennehy said he reached out to ESG team member Erin Loudon in June 2017 as they already had a prior relationship. Snowmax Civil has employed four ESG job seekers, some of which have mental health and physical disabilities, and hopes to employ more soon.
“ESG has provided hard-working staff, personal protective equipment (PPE), training and tickets (asbestos/white card), wage subsidies and general advice regarding training,” John said.
“They are all fantastic workers and I feel Snowmax Civil has definitely helped the job seekers in various aspects of their life. They are learning new skill sets that will help them broaden their horizons.”
John said Erin has been extremely responsive in returning calls and emails and has been very supportive throughout the employment process.
“I have invited Erin to site numerous times and she has happily made time to come and see me as well as follow up with the job seekers.”