Melton job seeker finds independence through employment
Melton job seeker Paul came to MatchWorks in 2014 as a voluntary client seeking independence through employment.
MatchWorks Employment Consultant Carina Ferrer said Paul has an intellectual disability, but he has never let that hold him back from being independent and holds a driver’s and forklift licence.
“Paul has been placed in employment twice since 2014 and has exited as an independent worker but, due to no fault of his own, he was let go and returned to MatchWorks,” she said.
“So we worked with him to find another suitable position and assisted him with an interview with a local employer.”
Paul was employed as a general hand with BP Calder on February 7, 2017. MatchWorks has assisted him with warm clothing for his role and fuel vouchers.
“Paul fitted right in with the crew at BP Calder, joining in their football tipping competition and to date, beating them all,” Carina said.
“Paul impressed his employer with his great work ethic and was quite happy to increase his hours to 10 hours a week. His goals are to continue to increase his hours so he can save enough to move in with his girlfriend and to go on a holiday.
“Paul and his mother were extremely grateful for the assistance MatchWorks has provided.”