Manager’s personal experience shapes positive approach to employing job seekers
GrainCorp developed a relationship with MatchWorks Werribee in January 2016 and has since employed three job seekers with a disability.
One job seeker is employed under the Government’s Supported Wage System, which encourages employers to hire more people with disabilities.
GrainCorp West Footscray Training Manager Graeme Chuchward made a concerted effort to place people with physical or intellectual disabilities into appropriate roles. It’s a cause close to his heart as his eldest daughter has an intellectual disability.
“Because of that, I am much more aware of people with disabilities and their needs,” Graeme said.
Graeme contacted MatchWorks when employment opportunities arose. He currently has two MatchWorks job seekers employed – Matthew as his assistant and Leanne as a canteen assistant.
“Matthew has been with us since January 2016 and he produces excellent work. Matthew has autism, so employing him was all about finding areas that suit his skills. He is very focused and thorough, which is a real strength,” Graeme said.
“Leanne is working as the canteen-cleaning assistant and will soon be responsible for running the canteen by herself some days to cover holidays and absences.”
GrainCorp will continue their relationship with MatchWorks to hopefully employ more job seekers with a disability.