Job seekers prepare for work experience opportunity in public service
MatchWorks has partnered with the Department of Premier and Cabinet (DPC) to deliver a Work Experience Program for unemployed job seekers with a disability.
The program is an opportunity for job seekers to gain an insight into how the public service operates and to expose them to future employment opportunities.
Eleven MatchWorks Disability Employment Services (DES) job seekers will join a number of DPC branches on October 2 to complete administrative duties for either six or 12 weeks.
Successful participants enjoyed a morning tea held by the DPC on Friday September 22 and had the opportunity to meet and greet program mentors.
MatchWorks DES site manager Marcelo Marcote said they received more than 60 referrals for the program across Victorian sites, with 42 shortlisted for pre-screening and 18 referred for interviews.
“Participants involved in the program have a variety of disabilities including mental health, paraplegia, autism, intellectual disability, vision impairment, neurological disorder, anxiety, amputees and congenital abnormality,” he said.
“Full-time participants will undertake six weeks of placement and part-time participants will complete the program over 12 weeks.”
The DPC Branches taking part in the program are:
– Energy Resources & Environment Branch
– Economic Development & International Branch
– Cities Task Force
– Victorian Centre for Data Insights
– Public Record Office
– NDIS Branch
– Infrastructure, Planning and Major Projects Branch
– Finance & Corporate Governance Branch
– Economic Strategy Branch