Epping job seeker reaches milestone in security career
Epping job seeker Susan sought assistance from MatchWorks two years ago to improve her life and better support her children financially.
She registered with MatchWorks Epping in July 2015 as a single parent, while working in smallgoods with minimal hours. She wanted to increase her hours or look for other employment.
“Susan was looking for stable part-time work in customer service, as an office all-rounder or warehouse work,” said MatchWorks employment consultant Susan Kalandos.
“She became ill in November 2015 and had to take time off her current work. But Susan was still determined in her search for other employment. Upon ample job applications and further rejections, I discussed with Susan to think about and look into obtaining her security licence due to the high demand of female guards and that she may have better luck obtaining work.
“Following this appointment, Susan became excited and discussed it was exactly what she would like to do and finally she would have meaningful employment.”
Susan was referred to Britech Security to complete a Certificate II and III in Security Operations and commenced full-time work with Dome Security soon after.
Susan recently reached a six-month milestone with Dome Security and said she is grateful for MatchWorks’ assistance in helping her turn her life around and making a positive impact for herself and her children’s futures.