Confidence boost helps Warrnambool job seeker find work
Warrnambool job seeker Jacob has turned his life around by putting a plan in place to address his barriers to work.
When Jacob first came to MatchWorks Warrnambool he disclosed that he has Bipolar disorder, which he is managing with medication, exercise and diet. He also had limited support from family.

MatchWorks job seeker Jacob.
Despite these barriers, Jacob’s confidence started to improve with the support of his employment consultant Heath Speedie and he was able to secure employment last year.
Jacob maintains his own independence with a driver’s licence and started work at Lifeline in Warrnambool in December 2016. Since then, Jacob has developed new skills in furniture collection within the South-West Victoria region.
MatchWorks employment consultant Heath Speedie said Jacob assists with the collection of goods and unpacking of transport.
“As Jacob has a great interest in car detailing he is able to use his knowledge to keep the transport in great condition too. Jacob also has the opportunity to test all electrical appliances so they are able to be re-sold,” Heath said.
“Since starting work Jacob has continually been supported by MatchWorks and said he is thoroughly enjoying being in the workforce.”