ACT employer helps job seeker on internship PaTH
Transtate Tyre and Suspension Services developed a relationship with Employment Services Group (ESG) in June 2017 and employed a job seeker through the Australian Government’s PaTH Internships program.
Transtate owner Adrian Heffernan was introduced to ESG Braddon team member Erin Loudon by a mutual friend who spoke very highly of the employment service.

Transtate Tyre and Suspension Services Owner Adrian Heffernan and ESG job seeker & PaTH intern Kieran.
“I wasn’t looking to put on another staff member so he suggested I speak to Erin about PaTH Internships,” Adrian said.
ESG job seeker Kieran was offered an internship at Transtate in July following various personal issues and a lack of confidence.
Adrian said the relationship with ESG has been beneficial by having all the relevant personal protective equipment (PPE) required for Kieran’s internship and placement payment provided.
“Keiran is doing really well. He’s a very keen young man that happily does any task asked of him, fits in well with our small team here and he isn’t afraid to ask questions. Transtate are happy to be a part of Kieran’s future and to help him build the life he wants for his family and himself,” Adrian said.
“I have had the pleasure of Erin visiting our work site on a few occasions to make sure that everyone is happy. She certainly goes above and beyond.”