Driving disability employment with AccessAbility Day
MatchWorks is proudly supporting AccessAbility Day during the week of 26-30 November 2018. This new Australian Government initiative enables employers to discover a new pool of talented and capable job seekers while also offering active job seekers* the opportunity to experience a new workplace or role and show their potential.
Executive General Manager Renae Lowry said Matchworks was delighted to be part of this initiative, which connected employers and people with disability for a day of work experience.
“There are 2.2 million Australians living with disability who are of working age. Yet the employment rate for people with disability is almost half compared to those without disability,” Renae said.
“AccessAbility Day is a great opportunity for employers and people with disability to connect for a day and experience what each has to offer.”
MatchWorks Disability Employment Service (DES) offices will help employers plan and organise placements, and employers can host more than one person with disability in their workplace.
For information on how to participate in AccessAbility Day, speak to your local MatchWorks DES provider on 1300 13 23 63. To find out more about AccessAbility Day, visit the JobAccess website or call 1800 464 800. TTY users can phone 1800 555 677 and ask for 1800 464 800.
*Job seekers must be registered with a DES provider to be eligible to participate.