A helping hand for the homeless
Many job seekers are part of the 8200* Australians sleeping rough every night. That’s why we’re supporting key organisations that deliver much needed respite to homeless people through our MatchWorks in the Community grant program.
Homeless people face numerous challenges when it comes to finding and keeping a job. The stigma associated with being homeless alone is a barrier to work. Then there’s the difficulty in maintaining hygiene, the frequent moves, and the decline in people’s health, wellbeing and safety. Research** also shows that homeless people who are employed are significantly more likely to leave their job compared to people with stable accommodation.
Finding temporary and ongoing housing is often a key support provided by our employment teams to help job seekers get back on their feet. To make a difference, our MatchWorks in the Community grant program has given a helping hand to the following organisations that provide tremendous support to Australians in need:
Goodna Street Life

One of the six sleeping pods available for the homeless and vulnerable at Helen’s Haven in Goodna, Queensland. This pod provides safe, temporary accommodation for people in crisis.
With homelessness rates on the rise, we recently donated $10K to fund one of six sleeping pods at Helen’s Haven. The temporary accommodation site set-up by Goodna Street Life provides a safe and comfortable place to sleep for a night when a crisis situation unfolds. It’s one of the many services delivered by the organisation to support the homeless and vulnerable people in the region.
More pods are needed to meet the significant demand; visit their website to find out how you can help.

Canberra’s first sleepbus just launched in June 2021. sleepbus Founder, Simon Rowe [left] is pictured here with his son, Harrison and Tilly.
sleepbus provides safe, temporary overnight accommodation to people sleeping rough across Australia. Canberra’s first sleepbus was launched last month and will provide a safe haven for women and children across Canberra. Our grant will fund 140 safe sleeps. Each sleepbus provides up to 20 secure, individual sleep pods in twin cabins. People also have access to a toilet, secure storage for belongings, plus a cosy place for companion pets.
Beddown Brisbane turns vacated public car parking spaces into pop-up accommodation at night to provide temporary bedding. This helps homeless people get a good night’s sleep in a safe and supportive environment. MatchWorks has funded 12 beds for this initiative.
The Lodge Youth Support Service Inc

The Lodge Youth Support Service Inc team help young people break the cycle of homelessness.
The Lodge in Brisbane provides medium to long term accommodation and support to at risk people aged 16-25 years. Residents take part in a program which develops their skills to live independently and break the cycle of homelessness. MatchWorks is helping fund a Zen Garden space for residents so they can benefit from better mental health and wellbeing.
Edon Place

Glenis Bryce and Heidie Grimson from MatchWorks donating the hygiene packs to Edon Place Centre Coordinator, Sheryl Thompson [right].
Edon Place in Bundaberg supports women, children and families impacted by domestic and family violence. Homelessness is common in the people who access their services. MatchWorks has funded 35 hygiene packs to help families stay clean and well.
Coast Shelter
Coast Shelter on the NSW Central Coast provides temporary accommodation and support programs for people who are homeless, or escaping domestic and family violence. MatchWorks has funded a new oven at the Rumbalara Youth Refuge so healthy meals can be safely cooked for those in need.
Our MatchWorks in the Community program is focused on making a positive difference across Australia. It’s at the heart of what we do here at MatchWorks, and we’re proud to be supporting community organisations who enable people to take that important first step towards a happier, healthier life.
Contact us to find out more.
*Source: https://pursuit.unimelb.edu.au/articles/the-grim-cycle-of-homelessness-and-unemployment